
apps that I use frequently

Applications that I often use is google, google is the app I use most often
because this application is to seek support or doing the coursework I
besides google applications that I use most often to find information that I did
not know out there for me google is the application of convenience because
what we are looking for will be in the search engine,Such as for example
pictures, news, vidio, and information written by others.

Most often I use google is to read articles about politics, education, and culture,
because a lot of news in Indonesia that includes all three things we must know
this and therefore I use the Google search engine to obtain information.
Google also applications that are very helpful for me because when there is a
college assignment I often open the application to find the source of information
that I did not ketahuin, besides google quite helpful to us the difficulties in
translating a foreign language we can both use google translation to translate foreign language.
Many things we can get on google when we use this application with the wise
and the most important thing today is information we can get from google is
also very diverse live how of the user's own use.

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